

EPSU-KNUST, also known as The Love Sanctuary, is a Christian students’ union located on the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) Kumasi campus. We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and profess him as our Savior. The organization serves as a platform for spiritual growth through word ministrations and prayer.


Clause two (2) of article two of the EPSU constitution states clearly that; “The objective of the union shall be to bring all Evangelical Presbyterian Students in the Secondary Schools, Colleges, Tertiary Institutions, and Churches together wherever they may be towards the development of the church and the enhancement of her influences among students in Ghana” It is quite explicit that, the notion that the union is created to operate only in the schools as it is being circulated is fallacy but rather the union was established to operate in both the churches and the schools. In furtherance, the membership of EPSU ranges from ordinary to honorary members of EPSU hence the misconceptions about membership should be set right.


The anthem was written after vigorous fasting and prayers by all members of the then-council. The onus lay with the then-president (Mr. Mark Tutu) to write the pledge. After the piece was put together, it was presented and wholeheartedly accepted by the Moderator of the E.P Church, Ghana, Very Rev. J.Y. Ledo. It is enviable to say, that among all other students’ unions in Ghana, it is only EPSU that has a pledge which also doubles as the anthem of the union; the words of the pledge were what was composed into an anthem without any change in phraseology. The union’s anthem/pledge is:

Living to please and serve God,

Is my foremost duty as a member of EPSU

I promise I promise to live solely by His words

and present him to others through a decent way of life

and to avail myself whenever duty calls.

To always do away with unwholesome habits that retards growth.

Lord, help me to present my body as a living sacrifice to you

and always be at peace with all.

The main yen of this anthem/pledge is to remind every member of EPSU of the expectations of a Christian and to nurture decency and righteousness among members to ensure evangelism with their way of life and approach in order not to hide away at any point in time. The librettos and the complete stanza of the anthem were under the inspiration of the first-ever national president of the union Mr. Mark Tutu. With the encouragement from the spirit of servantleadership and from the verses of the quotes of our motto, Mr. Mark Tutu under the inspiration of God and the love for service to God wrote the lyrics of the EPSU anthem. After Mr. Mark Tutu finished with his work, the librettos were given to Mr. Ben Yao Tsey, a music teacher at Mawuli Secondary School, (and eminent musician of the E.P. Church) who later composed the tune of the anthem – through his personal sacrifice as his contribution to the progress of the youth.


The motto of the union was coined from Romans 12:18 “If it is possible, as much as it is up to you, be at peace with all men” at the first camp in 1993 by Rev. C.F.K Kakotse with the notion of injecting in the youth the need to create that peaceful and congenial atmosphere for the camp as well serves as a resonating reminder in the hearts and minds of every EPSU member of their ‘ambassadorial’ role as peacemakers at all times wherever they meet or find themselves.


The union’s logo was graciously designed by Mr. Dickson D. Tsey, the very first 2nd Vice President of the union from the E. P. Church – Ho-Kpodzi congregation. Motivated by the zest of youths in the church by way of fellowshipping together, he then sustained these efforts with the creative knowledge he had and wrought with a colourful and awe-inspiring piece of art which has become our logo from then till date.


The love sunctuary!

Abounding in love..

The love sunctuary!!
