The love of the Father is above mercy and grace. It extends to making His people kings and priests, to
rule with Him and exercise dominion as He intended from the very beginning of creation.
Though sin disrupted the order, the Father made a way, a substitution, the Lord Jesus Christ, who took
our place of sin and suffering, so that we can live His life. The life through the Holy Spirit.
A life of reverence to the great Immortal Spirit alone, honouring Him as our King and LORD, preparing
to meet Him as our Judge and Justice. Holiness is His dwelling place, there He wants us to come also.
To share in His glory, to regain the original mandate.
We have to be washed by the Word, cleansed thoroughly; chastised by the Holy Spirit, not an easy life
to live, but the Spirit makes it possible for us on a daily basis of yieldedness to Him.
If the Lord’s bride does not return to her lover, she will have a very miserable end.
The Holy God may thunder from heaven again, and just as Nebuchadnezzar, we will be weighed by the
Judge and found wanting.
In those times, tears will be surplus!
Rom. 3:23-26, 8:23, 12:1-2 2 Tim. 2:8-13 1 Cor. 1:21, 6:18-21 Heb. 12:4-12, 3:7-13 Gal. 5
A sanctuary where we behold the countenance of Christ
His Body within us to disperse
Let Him pull you out of your drowning and breathe life back into you!